Saturday, June 4, 2011

Turning 50...

Earlier this year I turned 50. It’s a strange feeling to think of yourself as old. I don’t normally “feel” old. I actually don’t normally feel any different than I did when I was in my 20’s. The problem is, you can only live like you’re still in your 20’s for so long before you get to a point where you have to take a step back. Either your body tells you to take it easy, or your common sense kicks in.

I’m at a point now where my thoughts and my feelings are changing. I’m thinking maybe there’s something to growing old gracefully? Maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be? Maybe we’re supposed to step aside and let the younger generations take over at some point. It’s difficult to do however...

Nobody wants to succumb to age, but we all eventually do whether we like it or not. When I was in my 20’s, I remember thinking that people in their 30’s and 40’s were old. Now here I am… Fifty. The time went so quick, I find myself now wishing for another 50 years.

Sometimes I think it would be nice to go back to those days in my 20’s and have the body and health that I had back then. On the other hand, I’d hate to give up all the wisdom I’ve gained over the years and go back to the arrogant and inexperienced nature of that age. What’s equally worse is the sense of entitlement that the younger generation has developed since I was young.

I think that’s just something that our ever more passive and litigious society has allowed to develop. When I was younger, I had a healthy respect for those in authority. Society promoted a bit more self responsibility and a bit more self reliance. If you tripped and fell, people said watch where you’re walking. Now they look for who to blame and whether they can gain anything out of assigning that blame.

Also, if you didn’t stay in line, there were consequences. As kids or teenagers, we weren’t a protected class. We weren’t protected by anyone but our parents.

Yes, I’m sure there were some abuses by some parents, but society as an entirety was better off. Over time, in order to protect a few, the majority of society has taken a downturn and has become more irresponsible and less respectful.

I value all that I’ve learned over the years. I value where I am in life. Sure, things could be a lot better in terms of money and health, but then again, they could be a lot worse. I’ve known individuals much younger than I that never made it to 50. I’ve also been fortunate enough to travel quite a bit and personally met and witnessed people who would likely trade places with me in a heartbeat.

Who knows where we go when we’re done here on earth. There are so many religions all over the earth, is any one of them right? Does any one of them know the true answer? I know what I’d like to believe, but the realist in me holds me back. In any event, I think it’s important to value the time you’re given. Make the most of it. I’m thinking don’t accumulate; instead experience.

If there is a gate and if they ask you anything at that gate before passing judgment, it isn’t going to be “How rich were you?“, or “What was your status on earth?”

My guess is it will be more like “How did you spend the time you were given?” “You were given an entire world to explore, did you seek out and experience the world that was created for you?” “You were given the opportunity to meet many people through out your life, did you value those around you, whether you knew them or not, and whether they were different from you or the same?”

I think the bottom line is, were you appreciative and did you value it all, or did you take it for granted. I can tell you, the older I get, the more I value everything.

Overall, life has been good. I’m happy to be here, I’m happy to be able to share with you and I hope to be here another 50...

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