Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The men’s room wall…

“Please keep your eyes forward and conversations limited to weather, sports or beer.”

It’s funny how guys are when they’re in the men’s room. Some are overly comfortable chatting to strangers while standing at the urinal and others are completely homophobic. Some don’t use the urinals; they go into the stalls and stand there and wizz in the toilet. I’m not sure why they need to do that? Maybe they’re embarrassed about something? Then again, maybe some have a good reason for it such as a health reason? Unfortunately I’ve noticed that some the guys who do this are extremely inconsiderate because they don’t even lift the toilet seat when they go, so the person who goes in there after them and needs to sit down gets to deal with their mess. Sad huh?

I read once in the New York Times where only 75% of men wash their hands. Another article stated that only 1 in 3 do. Just from my own observations, I think it’s probably around 50%. He might think it’s ok to touch himself then go back to the dinner table, but I bet everyone else in the restaurant would be grossed out knowing he didn’t wash after. Did he touch the door handle going in or out and pick up some germs that way? Did he have germs on his hand from opening the door to the restaurant when the two of you walked in?

I just think it’s a good habit to wash your hands often through out the day. You don’t know what germs you’re picking up. It’s not like you can see them. I think the ladies should check their man’s hands when he gets back from the men’s room. You should be able to tell if he did or not. If nothing else, you will make sure he knows that it’s important to you.

“No matter how beautiful she is, some other guy is tired of putting up with her shit”.

The older a woman becomes, the wiser she becomes. She realizes that there are more important things to bring to the table than just looks; there’s dependability, trust, being a good life partner, to a small degree the ability to cook and to a much larger degree, a steady income.

It’s probably true that most guys think looks are important and most all guys will turn their head when a girl catches their eye, and for that split second they will think to themselves “hmmm“... but, that being said, for most guys, that’s also probably where it ends. If this is going to be a long lasting relationship, they want the attributes I noted in the paragraph above.

The other thing that came to mind was that beauty is also in the eye of the beholder. Every woman is different and every woman is beautiful in some way. It’s a good thing we’re all different and we all see things differently….
I saw this phrase decoratively painted on a men’s room wall recently and chuckled to myself thinking; “how true…”. Afterwards I thought it’s probably not fair to lump everyone together and say every beautiful woman is a pain in the ass. I’m betting much of it depends much on age, background and upbringing. Experience tells me that more younger women fit this mold than older ones.

“I know right from wrong, wrong is the fun one...”

I'm taking the fifth…

1 comment:

  1. Well I agree with all of this above! Also from what I know you will always pick the "FUN ONE"
