Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dream life...

I don’t understand why I can remember a dream when I first wake up in the morning and by later in the day that same memory is gone. When I was a teenager I kept a diary of my dreams. It was always cool to go back and read about them or see how many times I would have the same dream over and over. That always puzzled me; how we can dream the same exact dream more than once.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve wondered if I could direct my own dreams. I’ve wondered if I could create another life at night when I was sleeping. How cool would that be? I might actually look forward to going to bed at night instead of staying up watching comedy reruns on television until I can’t keep my eyes open any longer.

What if we could lead two separate lives within our life through our dreams? I’m not saying have another spouse and family in your dream life, although I’m sure there are some who would. What I had in mind was more like, what if I could travel the world at night in my dreams? What if I could live in another country, be a race car driver, be an air force pilot, or simply fly around the world on my own, just me, no airplane.

Those are some of the best dreams. When I can just jump up and soar into the air and then land on the edge of a building and look down. When I’m on the edge of a building now and I look down I get an uneasy feeling and I also wonder inside what it would be like to jump, so I stay away from the edge. In my dreams however, I’m right there enjoying it. If you believe in reincarnation, maybe that means I was an eagle or a hawk in a previous life? Probably not a parakeet since I’m sitting on the edge of a skyscraper.

So what about it? I’ve actually had dreams that have picked up where they left off the last time I was sleeping, but it’s been intermittent and unpredictable. I’ve tried to make it happen, but I’ve never been able to do it. It’s frustrating because it seems like I should be able to make this happen. For some reason, my mind goes where it wants to go.

What’s also odd is that if I see an alligator during the day, whether in real life or on television, I will dream about alligators at night. They are always mean and out to get me or who ever is with me at the time. I’ve had alligators come through the screen patio and break through the sliding glass door to come after me. I’ve ran from them in the woods, I’ve climbed up really tall hills with a bunch of people trying to get away from a really big one and I actually had an alligator eat my brother once. I don’t know why this is. I’ve never had a run in with an alligator that would have caused all this, but when I have a bad dream, it usually involves them.

A common dream I have is that I can fly. I have no idea what drives that one. I’d be happy if I could go to bed at night and look forward to flying, but unlike the alligators, I haven’t figured out how to make that happen. Like I said, I’d go to bed at a decent time if I could.

What I do know is that there’s probably a book and a Hollywood movie in all this. The character goes to bed at night and lives a completely separate life from his daytime life. It would be interesting to cause the two worlds to collide somehow. I probably should be writing this book instead of telling you about the idea shouldn’t I?


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